

Exercise of Practical Life

Empowers young children to care for themselves in a "home-like" environment by practicing pouring, measuring, sewing, cleaning and dressing skills. Children also care for the classroom by watering plants, feeding animals, dusting and sweeping. All these activities form a natural part of the children's home life and help them to connect home and school.


Learning through sensorial way, strengthens child's knowledge of the real world as they manipulate cubes and other geometric shapes, surfaces and textures. Through hands-on exploration, children build knowledge of sensory experiences - tasting, touching, smelling, hearing and seeing. This critical series of activities prepares them for physics and mathematics.


Work continues the sensorial approach to learning. Children get to hear and feel each letter, often tracing each letter on sandpaper. Once the phonic is connected to a letter shape, they begin to match small objects to letter sounds and shapes. Again, the materials focus on the children's desire to touch and manipulate objects.


Mathematics builds basic principles of counting, measuring and volume through hands-on learning. All Montessori stacking materials are in base-10, so when young children stack blocks to form a tower, they are already being exposed to principles of mathematics. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division follow the mastery of counting, again all learned by activities combining physical and mental learning designed to interest and reach the mind of young learners.

Cultural Education
Cultural Education

Introduces children to geography, sociology, botany, zoology and helps them build an understanding of the broader world around them. Often, guest speakers, including parents, come into the classroom and share their knowledge and experiences. Multicultural experiences in and out of classroom enrich the children's learning.